Already second day in a row, MehrereKryptowährungen have clearly fallen. The Bitcoin as most recognized Undälteste digital currency has lost 9.5 percent in value at night on Thursday at DerHandelsplattform Bitstamp and liegtjetzt at 6,253 US dollars. As early as day before, bitcoin had 7percent loss, so Kryptowährung lost more than 1,000 dollars in value within 14 hours.

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Or digital currencies such as er, XRP oderEos lose in part even more than Bitcoin in value. According to branch side Coinmarketcapist value of all 1,900 Kryptowährungen has decreased from almost 240Milliarden dollars to current 202 billion since Wednesday.

Digital currencies are often subject to starkenKursschwankungen. A report by WirtschaftsmagazinsBusiness Insider is to be responsible for latest slide. According to DieInvestmentbank Goldman Sachsnicht wants to get into trade with Kryptowährungen.

After bitcoin reached its all-time high at end of last year, interest of investors declined compared to new digital currencies. This is mainly due to fact that re is currently no börsengehandeltenIndexfonds (ETF) on digital currencies.