The Coronavirus pandemic has shaken not only our health and Psyche. She also has a disastrous impact on our economic situation. Whether you are an individual, company or state, are all adversely affected. The impact of the pandemic, the economy has added, gets the worst to get a feel for who works or, better said, who can no longer work now. Because the production is at a standstill, a rise in unemployment figures. In March, as the pandemic began to spread, climbed, the unemployment rate in the United States of 3.5 to 4.1 percent. In the Euro area, it didn’t look much different. Here, the ratio reached in March to 7.4 percent.

The Turkish version of the column
Yazının Türkçe orijinalini okumak için tıklayın

In the major Economies, the work grew loose army of Turkey under the leadership of Erdogan’s fabricated, however, an economic miracle. Although the production and consumption slumped, declined in March, the numbers of unemployed according to the official data! With a reduction of 0.9 percent, the rate reached in March to 13.2 percent. The state statistics Institute published unemployment Figures showed, however, a strange contradiction. The decline in both the number of workers to the unemployed.

you Let the opposition confuse you. Immediately prior to the announcement of the unemployment figures, the economy moved to Minister, and Erdogan-from son-in-law Berat Albayrak ten head of Department in the statistics Institute TUIK. Subsequently, the unemployment figures fell, in spite of Corona in a miraculous way. Previously, the price increase in the country was cut off as with a knife, after the competent officials had been deducted to pay for the Inflation. With the replacement of the Central Bank, the heads of it had already been a interest miracle. Within a year, the key interest rate of 24 fell to 8.25 percent.

But back to the recent miracle. The official figures show that unemployment figures went back. Independent Economists, however, are of the view, the actual rates have now exceeded 25 percent. Also the voices on the street, deny the official Figures. A survey conducted by the opinion research company Metro Poll that 31.8 percent of workers have lost due to the pandemic in their Job. Even if the state provides the paper for miracles, is now more than half of the people are of the opinion that the biggest Problem for the country were the economy and unemployment. One in five can no longer satisfy his basic needs. In 2019, ahead of Corona, had already been four million citizens with the power turned off because they could not pay their bill. Not a survey, but a parliamentary question of the Opposition to the Minister of energy showed.

No resonance in the polls

The Numbers and statistics, you should not confuse. Let me use an example from the everyday life, to make intelligible, how it is with us. In super markets expensive products are equipped with security systems against theft. This is in Turkey, not unlike in Germany. Here, however, the crisis and the inflation in the standard of living now because of the economic cost of self-assured of basic food by the Alarm. Sheep’s milk cheese, is essential for Breakfast, is secured as well as baby food.

The government is stained with the Figures of beautiful, but her pink-red image found neither in the super market shelves in the polls resonance. Last week, the surveys of two opinion research showed companies that the Alliance of the AKP and the ultra-nationalist MHP, who wore Erdogan in the Palace, is now fallen below fifty percent. Also, the survey of satisfaction with office-holders in relation to the local elections last year, with the results of the President to criticize, should have taken care of in the Palace for displeasure: Seven out of ten of the population as being particularly successful is considered the mayor belong to the Opposition.