Miguel Góngora was already in front of the Corona is a very busy young man. The 18-year-old high school graduate sitting since he was nine years old, in all sorts of student parliaments, until the end of the last school year, he was national student spokesperson and representative for the more than 350,000 students in Berlin. He is also a member of the SPD and begins to build a political career.

Jessica Blazekovic

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

first, However, is more urgent: Together with the students Max Vaid Góngora wants to ensure that the students in Berlin in the upcoming winter semester for the teaching at the universities, instead of just sitting in front of the Computer and in Online courses. Especially for the first-semester students was important: “Many high school graduates Worry that you can arrive at the universities are not,” says Góngora. In addition, they threatened to be at a disadvantage, if the opportunity would be taken to courses questions.

to Change is to have a “concept, to the re-recording of the seminars and tutorials in presence form,” which Góngora and Vaid in Berlin’s science Committee submitted. The universities should develop a concept of Hygiene, so that each half of the students can participate in the classroom.

security planning and actionable emergency concepts

the appropriate handling, for example, in Rhineland-Palatinate tested. In addition, the two financial resources, “so that students can be ensured access to a stable Internet connection and the equipment with digital devices challenge”. “This is about equity in education,” says Góngora. Not all of the students would not be supported by their parents, many would also be at home with the necessary space to learn.

Góngora alleges that the policy to have pupils and students in the crisis left in the lurch. It is not primarily about cancelled Proms or suspended semester abroad: “The Situation is meant, above all, at the time of the school closures, a high psychological burden for the students. There was no information about what is happening.“

For a possible second Corona-wave, he calls for more planning security and actionable Contingency plans. The concern for the benefit of Góngoras close contacts in the Berlin’s policy – after the summer break, he wants to continue to fight for his concept. And also with like-minded people from other provinces, he stands in a lively exchange. All you want is a “normal” winter semester. As normal as it allows the Virus in.