Hardly anyone has Dellert has experienced the highs and Lows of the Influencers of the business, as Louisa. The began that the buy wanted to lose weight woman for office communication 2013 a bit, in Instagram signed up and a few photos of yourself uploaded. More and more people followed her, soon they had 120.000 Followers, and was one of the most important Fitness Influencers in Germany. Company paid for it, in your posts to show up. Again and again she tipped over, however the Sport. It turned out that they had to flap a hole in the heart. An Operation was necessary, she had ban six months and came to Think about it, if a six-pack is really the most important goal in life.

Patrick Bernau

editor responsible for the economy and the “money & More” the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

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There are several changes of direction followed: First Dellert was to the Fitness Influencerin, the round body well. Later, – she had in the sea standing for the Instagram photograph, but always annoying plastic garbage in the Background – began to take an interest in sustainability, and has made environmental protection one of the main theme of your Instagram channel. However, you don’t earn that much money, as advertising space is not the suitable way. And their Savings was in a just-built Online Shop. So you launched in the past year, a fundraising campaign for your new Influencertum.

Dellerts popularity in the network has not been harmed by all of this. Meanwhile, nearly 400,000 Followers interested in your posts on Instagram. And what Louisa Dellert power? It always deals more with policy, attended a party days, and also the Thuringian Landtag, when it gets there, just hot.

Amazing that your Followers, all of these issues have undergone change. Is it to feel your Talent to what other people are interested in eight weeks later?

I don’t know if you can call it Talent. I’ve gone all this way because he feels for me right. I was also in front of “Fridays for Future” on the sustainability of the strip, and again I was at the right time in the right place, but it was not planned. Then I started to report on politics – and since Rezo, more and more young people are interested in politics, and more politicians use Social-Media platforms. Policy is not important to me, because I do not understand and I would like to teach. And because I’ve noticed that many young people do not dare to ask. All this to come out from the belly. In fact, I was always a bit earlier than all the others.

As it went for you with the Fitness Influencertum to an end: As many others would have hung the thing on the nail, and would have gone back in the training profession.

I don’t want to. There was also, of course, the media found the title great: Influencerin begging for money to Finance your life. My own Community was able to understand but good. Other people is also a Crowdfunding to make your idea. I don’t know why I should not try that.

Before the Instagram-fame, has Louisa Dellert helped her father to build solar plants. That you have to earn the money herself, she learned from a young age. Even the money for the braces to be decided by the early 20’s and wanted to give her parents her actually, she has paid her father back later.