French investigators from going after a devastating fire in the Cathedral of Nantes by an arson. In three Places the fire broke out, said the Prosecutor of Nantes, Pierre Sennès, on Saturday. This could be a coincidence. Investigators would visit the Church in the course of the day. A Fire had been detected in the great organ, and two more in the nave, said Sennès. Also, an expert from Paris will come. The fire, according to fire information on Saturday afternoon under control, but not completely deleted.

With a crane media should according to reports, the burnt organ Remains to be removed to get to the last embers of the flock. The diocese has published pictures of the damage. Large parts of the organ had fallen into the interior of the Church. The organ and a large stained-glass Windows from the 15th century. Century were completely destroyed, shared with the diocese. On the images a black-and-burnt-out-in closet and large soot marks on the wall behind it were also to see. The fire brigade had been alerted in the Morning by 7: 30, informed the diocese of Nantes.