In Portugal, and a growing fear of a second wave of Infection. After the outbreak of the Corona pandemic in the country due to its fast and efficient grasping as a model for the Rest of Europe. But since the days of the health authorities will not get in the Metropolitan area of Lisbon, the new outbreak in the handle. On Thursday, the government introduced in the 19 most affected municipality of the Region, districts of the capital back to the home quarantine. Finally, the output restrictions were relaxed significantly.

Hans-Christian Rößler

Political correspondent for the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb, with its headquarters in Madrid.

F. A. Z.

The setback comes at a bad time, because particularly in the Algarve, the first foreign holiday-makers return. Nearly a dozen EU States, among them Austria and Denmark, have adopted due to the deterioration of already restrictions for nationals of Portugal. With 23 new infections per 100,000 population within seven days of Portugal belongs to the current map of the Robert-Koch Institute, in addition to the United Kingdom and Romania to the States with the worst Figures. Only in Sweden the situation is with more than 50 cases, even worse.

Especially younger Portuguese affected

On Thursday health authorities reported in Portugal, 311 new infections, 77 percent of which are in the Region of Lisbon. This development, which lasts for almost two weeks. On some days, there were registered up to 90 per cent of new cases. But other country affected parts. The cases suggest that especially younger Portuguese watch less. At a Party at a campsite in the district of Setúbal infected at least 20 people. In the case of an illegal Party in the Algarve, it was already the beginning of June to more than 70 new infections.

“Those who believe, to return to normal life, have become very deceived,” said health Minister Marta Temido In the capital region, especially in less wealthy district outside of the visited center and the coast are affected. Part of Mr precarious and less sanitary living conditions prevail there. The inhabitants have to rely more on public transport. Since Tuesday the Lisbon area, which also includes Sintra, Azambuja, Loures and Seixal in 15 municipalities in the greater new restrictions in force: a Meeting of more than ten people are forbidden; cafes and shops have to close in order to 20pm. Most of the more than 9000 new infections that between 21. May and 21. June were registered in Portugal, and relate to the Region.