The Chancellor’s office has used a media report that in the past year for the now insolvent payment service provider Wirecard and its planned market entry in China. The the news magazine “Spiegel” reported on Friday, citing the Chancellor’s office. Accordingly, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) spoke at the 3. September 2019 to grasp with the former Minister of defence Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg about the company’s plans in the Chinese market.

Guttenberg advised the Dax-listed company in its Expansion to China with his Investment and consulting firm Spitzberg Partners. On the same day, Guttenberg’ve sent an E-Mail to Lars-Hendrik Röller, the Director of the Department for economic, financial and energy policy of the Chancellor’s office and the Personal representative of Merkel for the G7 and the G20 summit.

“support in the framework of the China-travel”

in it, he informed Röller, according to the “mirror” of the intended market entry by Wirecard in China and asked him for “support in the framework of the visit to China” Merkel’s on 6. and 7. September, 2019. After the trip to China Röller answered, therefore, Guttenberg, 8. September, by e-Mail, “that the subject had come for the visit to China, and other support promised”.

Almost two months later, Wirecard announced that it will acquire shares in the Chinese company AllScore Payment Services. The company from Beijing, is the “mirror”, according to controversial. In 2020, it had to pay, therefore, in China a record fine for links in the gambling industry.