A judge from Virginia charged this Tuesday to the first of the 10 defendants for participating in the torture and murder of Damaris A. Reyes Rivas, a 15-year-old girl, last January. Wilmer A. Sánchez Serrano, 22, and other MS-13 band members recorded up to four videos with a mobile phone while slashing and toppling the young woman with a wooden stick on the outskirts of Washington, in the state of Virginia.
Before making his decision, the judge showed the recordings. Damaris ‘ mother, Maria Reyes, was in the living room. In the images, the young girl appears with a black shirt and white jeans, walking through a forest that was taken by the gang members to Increprarla for death, a week before, of Christian Sosa Rivas, another member of MS-13. They considered that Damaris, who had maintained relations with Sosa Rivas, had collaborated in his death. They wanted revenge.
The tragedy began in the middle of the afternoon of the eighth of January. Pressed by the aggressors, an acquaintance of Damaris picked it up by car, lying to him about where they were going. Upon reaching the park of Lake Accontik, 45 minutes from Washington, the group of criminals began to interrogate her about the death of Sosa Rivas.
They threatened to cut off a finger. They told him they had a rifle. They yelled at her. She was accused of participating in the lynching of Sosa Rivas. Despite the icy temperatures, forced her to undress in the snow to feel “the cold that felt Sosa Rivas.” And, in the end, according to the testimony of the principal investigator, the girlfriend of Sosa Rivas, Venus Romero Iraheta, 17, stabbed her 13 times. He also used the knife to remove a tattoo. “I’ll see you in hell,” he told the quinceañera seconds before.
The judge has not yet made a decision regarding the conviction for Sánchez Serrano, who crossed Damaris’s neck with a stick. Iraheta will be judged as an adult despite being underage. Three of the defendants have pleaded guilty to the allegations.
The violent incidents respond to the strong presence in the vicinity of the capital of the band of Latin American origin that President Donald Trump has threatened to liquidate. Most of the people involved came from El Salvador, where the group has its main leaders. With the arrival of the Republican, the raids against them have increased since being delinquent and undocumented lead the list of possible deportees. In May, the Los Angeles police arrested 21 members. In relation to Damaris ‘ case, the authorities arrested 18.