The public service television channels and 15 industry associations have established an independent trust body against sexual harassment and violence. Cultural Minister for Monika Grütters (CDU) said that she supports project politically and “above all financially”. It is important to “initiate a contact point to which affected persons can rely on confidence” in face of sexual harassment, humiliation and violence in film industry and in or cultural sectors. The time of silence must be over.

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The trust body is initially limited to film, television, atre and orchestra areas, it is said in a joint communication of industry associations. It could, however, be extended by participation of or supporters in entire media industry, music sector and or cultural branches. The project is to accept and examine complaints. The focus is on processing and prevention of sexual harassment and violence.

In construction phase, Grütters ‘ authority controls 100,000 euros for sponsoring association, ARD 40,000 euro and ZDF 15,000 euro per year. The German Stage association also participates with 15,000 euros annually, association of Private media with furr 15,000 and producer alliance with 10,000 euro.

In recent months, MeToo debate in media industry has revealed several cases of sexual assault. It became clear to industry that re was a need for action in particular, where often only short-term employment conditions would apply, where many self-employed people worked and where re were strong dependences, communication states.