Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) appealed to the company, in the Corona-crisis train young people. “We must do everything to avoid a Corona-Born,” he said on Thursday in the ARD”morning magazine”. The crisis will eventually be over, and then you should not whine about the shortage of skilled workers.

criticism of the fact that the recently adopted training bonus only applies to companies with up to 249 employees, and let the healing do not apply. Especially small and medium-sized companies formed a disproportionately high number of people and are now buffeted particularly. Therefore, the assistance is of benefit to the right company. “This is not the time of the “make a Wish”, but it comes to targeted assistance,” said salvation in relation to the requirement that they abolish social security contributions for apprentices.

at the end of June had brought the Federal Cabinet, the “Trainee award” for the company. Small and medium-sized companies with large revenues and short-time work, but their training courses to maintain or even expand it, to get the state premiums of up to 3000 Euro per training course. The plans also provide for payments to the company, the apprentices of other companies, if this pandemic must sign up due to insolvency.