A large part of the world of Spanish culture met this Monday at the Pignatelli building in Zaragoza. There the 2021 National Culture Awards were delivered, an event that is held every year in a different city and in which Don Felipe and Doña Letizia act as hosts.

On this occasion, the King and Queen, accompanied by the Minister of Culture, Miquel Iceta, and the President of Aragon, Javier Lambán, have awarded the prizes to 29 people and entities from the Fine Arts, bullfighting, performing arts, music and literature. Among the winners was the bullfighter Morante de la Puebla for renewing classic bullfighting, Karlos Arguiñano for his cooking show on television, or the singer Rozalén, for her work as a composer and performer. Precisely she has interpreted in front of the Kings her theme And I searched.

Felipe VI has defined the winners as “messengers of a future country” and has recalled that their work “feeds the spirit, but also the economy”. Because the King recalled that culture is the “engine of progress” that favors “the material improvement of all of society”. It should be noted that the figures for culture have reached pre-pandemic levels, with 700,000 jobs, which represents 3.4% of employment in the country.

The Monarch has insisted on the need to vindicate culture because “it shows that freedom, respect and coexistence are part of the most deeply rooted values ​​of our country”.

Felipe VI has also remembered the filmmaker Carlos Saura, who died a few days ago. He has said of him that he was “a lover and student of our culture, a curious artist, an experimenter without limits, always with confidence in our country; and with the permanent desire to portray its realities without ceasing to enhance its qualities, being faithful to the essence of our so rich and diverse way of being and living “culture”.

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