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The PSOE seeks to improve security in Tetuan

A man kills another of a stab in a fight in Tetouan

A 16-year-old girl from South American origin has been found this past night without life at her home in the Madrid district of Tetuán, as reported by an emergency spokesperson 112. The first investigations point out that the minor received a strong blow to the face, which caused the death practically in the act.
The victim resided in a low floor of the number 58 of the street of Panizo, near the street of Ofelia Nieto and the promenade of the direction. He lived together with his parents, who had rented a room to a man, according to police sources. The parents have left the house around 18.30 and, when they have returned to the house, after nine o’clock in the night, they have found the young woman above her bed, in the bedroom, along with a pool of blood. The 21.18 have been called to the 112 emergency phone.
The site has been displaced by physicians of a mobile UVI of the medical emergency Service of the community of Madrid (Summa), who have appreciated that the young woman presented a strong craniofacial trauma. She had been beaten several times in the face. The toilets have only been able to confirm death, without manipulating the body, given the severity of the lesions it presented.
Agents of the Homicide group and scientific police Specialists of the National police force have moved to the home to collect data and evidence and try to clarify what has happened. They have made a statement to the tenant, who was in the room and who, allegedly, has not heard anything about what happened. They also interrogated residents of the house. They have also done the ocular inspection of the house. So far, no arrest has been practised.
The body has been transferred to the Anatomical Forensic Institute after ordering by the judge on duty. It is expected that this Thursday they will practice the autopsy and determine with what object they could kill it.