one of the few positive results of the eighth national education report that the school system has become more permeable. So, no one can say that after the last primary school class, over the further educational biography was to be decided. Quite the contrary, detours, late decisions – all this makes the education system. And, therefore, was not necessarily to be expected, because of the Trend toward two-partism in the school system at the secondary schools did not encourage permeability initially just. Because in some countries, high school students were not able to go to a secondary school, because the so-called “Abschulen” was allowed.

Heike Schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for the “formation of worlds”.

F. A. Z.

It is however, appalling that the group of young people without secondary school graduation by twenty percent, although the goal of the education summit in Dresden was twelve years ago, to halve the number of early school leavers. Because so many leave school without a degree, not stop, more and more young people between 25 and 34 years of training. The growing digitalisation complicates the employment opportunities for the low skilled, because the software of the robot will be able to it, sometime better. It is to be hoped that the authors of the education report with your claim permeate that companies train young people without a high school diploma, if the be willing. An educational precariat is not allowed to give it to, anyway.