Quiet, it was received last on the market for new issues of bonds, wrote recently, Keith Mullin, an Analyst at the Rating Agency Scope. Unusually quiet. While the equity markets were currently in use by your nervous side, had fallen, the spreads for new loans continued in the direction of its lows, which they had reached before the Corona pandemic. Bonds worth 140 billion dollars are international come on the market, two-thirds from the Region, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Half of them were heads of state and government-related bonds, a third in corporate bonds, and only 14 percent from the financial sector.

Martin Hock

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

While this is true statistically, sure, everything, is for the private bond buyer all a bit different. Bonds with a minimum investment amount for which you can not buy a whole house, are thin on the ground, on Euro corporate bonds outside the financial industry, you need to hope actually, hardly any, and interest, it is now for years are also more likely to change.

However, who needs retail investors? The order books are, in General, more than full, writes Mullin. A bit gnash it in the secondary market. There, the Elan notes a bit to be missing, and the grey market trade was for some emissions, but a bit dull – even if these had been oversubscribed.