It may be that the Spanish star chef Ferran Adrià, one day stands less as an inventor of bizarre edible Structure using various tools, but especially as a great researcher and Systema provider of culinary knowledge. He himself would not be averse to such a development. His latest book from the “Bullipedia”series, “What Is Cooking”, he holds at least for the “most important book I’ve written so far”.

Having started in 2012, “Bullipedia”project now shows first, by the English-language editions of international-to-access results, it is clear that the work in Adrià’s famous Restaurant, “El Bulli,” was a significant part of the systematic exploration of edible materials. In 2011, the cook had the project in mind. At a presentation in Berlin in July 2013, he showed on the basis of less, because of their lack of precision are very sobering Wikipedia entries, that there is an urgent need, the diverse culinary Knowledge of this world to gather and to organize. It seemed at first that the exposure was too broad for a single “Mastermind,” even if Adrià secured the assistance of scientific specialists. In his loft-style workshop in Barcelona, he showed many years ago, a bookshelf with Dummies of the planned thirty-one large volumes, with titles such as “The Fine-Dining experience or tools to Do, Serve and Taste”.

Knowledge from many sources

the art of cooking-related, you can name the project, which aims to be an “encyclopedia of the Fine-Dining sector,” quite “neowissen scientific”. The 1962-born taxonomist Adrià summarizes the theme to a maximum extent, because the kitchen only developed virtually all of the culinary novelties, but also all other culinary important topics such as the Ecology – in your low beat.

At the heart of the accumulation of Knowledge, the term “Sapiens” is. Adrià is understood to be the sum of all available knowledge, the wisdom of the world, so to speak, not only in, as it were, isolated and more or less scientific analyses of individual topics, but, particularly in the gastronomic field – from many sources, be it encyclopedias, scientific Works from anthropology, cultural studies, sociology, psychology, medicine, chemistry, or physics, cook books, international creative chefs or specialized magazines.

From the times

“Bullipedia” is a culinary Wikipedia the big difference is that the Gatekeeper Adrià and his organization are not arbitrary, often non-expert administrators. “What is Cooking” is a powerful Band that has to do with a classic saves the dictionary little. Greater Similarities in the knowledge transfer with Nathan Myhrvolds “Modernist Cuisine”: lots of pictures, graphics, graphical information, and limited amounts of running text. It is the first, largely successful attempt, the complex is Happening in and around the cook, not only technically, but to explain in a variety of aspects.

The beginning of the explanation of the “Cuisine Sapiens power”. It will follow “lexical-semantic aspects” from the history of the subject and General encyclopedias. Then it goes to the “birth of the kitchen”, wherein a time period from prehistory to today, is illuminated. Typical Chapter titles are “What people do when they cook? Why cook at all?” or “millions of people cook every day: There is no single profile for a cook”.