The United States request in the future for Hong Kong imported goods, the indication of Origin “Made in China”. Instead of Hong Kong, henceforth, China had to be used as a designation of origin, – stated in a document of the American customs that should be released on Tuesday. America’s President, Donald Trump had stopped in July in a dispute over the limitation of Hong Kong’s autonomy and trading privileges for the Chinese special administrative region.

Hong Kong’s city government has criticized the rule change for the denomination of origin immediately, The United States would, therefore, violate international trade rules. The former British crown colony was an independent member of the world trade organization (WTO) and have a Status as a separate customs territory, stressed the city government. This could not be a state of undone.

Hong Kong had exported in the year 2018, goods to the value of $ 6.3 billion (almost EUR 5.4 billion) in the United States. Among the most important Items of electronic equipment, plastics, and valuable metals.

Restricted citizens ‘ rights

contributed to the dispute over the autonomy of Hong Kong has in the last few months, a significant deterioration in the tensions between Washington and Beijing. The Chinese government had adopted in June a so-called security law to Hong Kong, which allows the authorities to crack down on all activities that threaten, in their opinion, the national security.