the situation of the banks there can be in these times no all-clear: Because the impacts of the Corona before the crisis due to corporate and household insolvencies still. Despite solid equity base, which is also due to the regulatory relief to the banking supervisors, can rip a wave of credit default deep holes in the Bank balance sheets.

On the proposal for a forced gratification, like it is now three Economists to Bonn, Professor Moritz Schularick have made, needs to be considered. Similar to the American state in the financial crisis more than ten years ago, all banks are to be recapitalized regardless of their Constitution, the economic recovery credit to support.

Who is a stress test, should be able to pay back the aid, then, after the presentation of the Economists again. Another stress test of the us banks had at the time: they had to raise the funds from investors to be able to the Stigma of state aid shake off. Only banks remain in both scenarios (Zombie)left, the will not be able to do so.