On Monday to return millions of young French people for the first time in three months in the classroom: Two weeks before the summer holidays, which last until the beginning of September, the school is mandatory.

Jürg Altwegg

Freelance writer in the arts section.

F. A. Z.

Timid man had taken lessons in the middle of may, Almost fifty percent of the teachers were returned to their jobs, announced the non-party Minister of education, Jean-Michel Blanquer. The others were encouraged to learn the program online. The teaching material and at the level of the top officials wanted to make in the Ministry, there is no compromise. The vulnerable and the weak students were allowed to return as first in the class room – a day or a half day per week. Now the teaching is for the teacher is mandatory.

The almost sixty pages of comprehensive rules for the re-opening of the schools reads like a Kafkaesque conglomeration. In the Metropolitan area of Paris, several Lycées per toilet have opened a student access. An establishment with 2055 enrolled students reduced their number, therefore, 77. Elsewhere, the students of an agent, which monitors the compliance with the hygienic rules are accompanied to the toilet. The pause place will be marched in columns, with a safety distance. 22. In June, the distance between the panels is reduced and if the distance between the teacher and the class on the mask duty is waived. The Ministry is “encouraged” to do this, the Outdoor classes are to be held.

The Ritual

With the schooling it will take, the French just before the holidays, however, very seriously. The flights in the countries of origin and holiday destinations are cheaper this year, no role. But on many days the school is in June anyway: The teachers are busy with the high school. Across the country, the tests are carried out at the same time and all with the same tasks. The high school is a Ritual, all of society indulges in. The Radio and television stations to interview the students before the exams, in the Newspapers, the topics to be discussed, and, sometimes, writers are asked to write essays on the respective examination subjects.

The “Baccalauréat” goes back to Napoleon. In the case of the first implementation of 1809 32 candidates passed the exam. Two empires, all of the republics, revolutions and wars, it has survived. In the First world war, the Baccalauréat was conducted in the German-conquered areas in Northern France – in the hope that it would later be recognized. In 1940 it was held under chaotic conditions in the middle of the debacle with the Exodus of large parts of the population. 30000 “Bacheliers” got her diploma, but just as many candidates have failed.

Also in may and June 1968, the school was a week long. The high school was “given away”, and five oral exams reduced. The policy sought, the insurgents, to appease, with 81% of candidates were awarded the diploma, in the previous year, it was 61 percent. For the first time, the girls were successful. In 1985, the socialist Minister of education Jean-Pierre Chevènement, formulated a new Ideal of democratized education policy: 80 per cent in a year should create the high school. The lofty goal has long been surpassed – with many negative consequences.

a year Ago, the “Bac fell” almost from

About, you will constantly fight. A year ago, the “Bac” was almost a strike by the teachers to the victims. They protested against the planned introduction of a continuous performance control, and betray the principle of equality and the universality of the diploma are hazardous. The teachers refused to monitor the tests and to correct.