no, Wanderlust, according to the country of the townspeople don’t get in these descriptions of the North castle country, “an idyllic area, which, although poor in intellectual capital, the richer the wine and cherries”, “a place where the manner of speech of the people reminded often to the Barking of large dogs”. The so thinks is Hugo Navratil, which in Czech means as much as “returnees”. In his adopted home of Berlin, the people are also not just for are whispering sounds well-known, he developed a deep aversion to its Eastern Austria origin. Is the. Away barking of the dogs beautiful.

And yet, The Ambassadorin”, Sebastian Janatas debut novel, not a traditional province of bashing is”. Hugo way comes – and that is certainly to be taken literally – at the end not as good as you thought at first. Over the village, the supposedly small-minded people believe to have the impact he’s already seen through you, he learns suddenly, however, New. Nuanced. Not at all Despicable. He even learns something about urban arrogance.

Impotent Torkelei

Hugo’s journey home is a must-attend event. To the funeral of his grandfather, who was called uncle Beppo, the family gathers at its headquarters. In spite of the loving relationship, which Hugo had to have his grandfather, he discovers that he has no sadness to feel capable. “I’ve led with Beppo, when I think about it, never a real conversation…I have no idea who was my grandfather. This is not sad? This is not to cry?“ What Hugo sees in the memory of Beppo reluctantly, falls on him in respect of the village community in General, until much later: He knows everything, he knows nothing.

As him to the funeral, two Americans present, supposedly related, and the conversation is rather threatening for questioning on a precious rifle from the estate of an avid hunter Beppo draw, is Hugo’s homecoming to the unconscious Torkelei, in which in some places seems to be a village Thriller to initiate. As agents, the women appear always then, when Hugo least expect it. Their demands are explicit.

The sound rises insNeblige

not to Be The “Ambassadorin” a movie, you would know whether you see a Drama or a Comedy. Secrecy oscillates with a low threshold of Humor. Hugo’s discontent can be gauged from the fact that a total of sixteen times, the disparaging distancing “occurs so-called”, as is titled in the place of all failure and to blunt its inhabitants, in order to memorize it. Hugo wants to take revenge on his home, but takes revenge on him. At night, he spoiled, drunk as a skunk “, the so-called war monument” of the village. The actual monument to fall, he pulls but, as he himself, face in his verrichtetes work stumbles. A well-Known fork in him and gives him unimpressed handkerchiefs and liquor. His grandfather was one of them, she says. “W-why? The shot in front of the Church history?“

Janata – 1988, in the Burgenland of live-born and today in Berlin drummer of the pop band Ja, Panik – understands it’s good to be Setting times contemptuously, to draw time lovingly. The nearby lake is “always brown,” the valley in which it lies, is a geological “ass crack” to the left and to the right of “mountains of the so-called leitha”. Later this Wind, I love the existing one whispers, Yes, it, this other life, somewhere and at some point, sighs again “”. Notwithstanding a Passage in Vienna, and a small Berlin-based framework of action, the novel is a local narrative through and through. We learn what a snack between meals and what is a Heuriger. We go to the people and places a bet on a Bender.