& Skuggboxningen before the round of negotiations in 2020 is over, the initiates of IF Metall’s chairman of the board Marie Nilsson, at a press conference in which the trade unions and the employers in the industry very seriously kicking off the negotiations.

the Industry in the negotiations is critical because so many more of them. This is where the so-called ” lönemärket shall be in accordance with current rules, the vast majority of unions have signed up to a-level, which is riktkarl for the whole of the labour market.

the large, already well-known. In addition to the mere wage demands of the three per cent, has been industrifacken requests for additional allocations for the part-time pension. In addition to THE federation IF Metall, in accordance with THE agreement, see låglönesatsning.

” with the required level landing at four per cent. It is to an extent far in excess of competitive industry can bear, ” says Teknikföretagens ceo Klas Wåhlberg, at a press conference.

for Himself, he doesn’t want to provide what the employers can offer, but it is not zero in all cases.

“But it’s all about low-and no-cost increases,” he said.

especially in manufacturing, where output is expected to drop next year.

“But this is a deceleration from high levels, we do not see a recession on the horizon,” says the Swedish Engineers ‘ president, Ulrika Lindstrand.

She also mentioned that the engineers have for the first time ever, require the individgarantier. It is a bad thing, for a lot of people are without power, according to her.

“Eight percent of the members have zero or next to nothing, it’s like we’re totally out of place,” says Ulrika Lindstrand.

Teknikföretagens tillförordade’s head of negotiations Thomas Undine. With such a hot job market for engineers should be the ones that feel they have been disadvantaged to be able to change the job, according to him.

Last march, the expiry of the old agreement, then, is the idea that the new must be in place.

Read more: Local, requires 3.5 percent.
