The Corona-crisis has a large impact on the demand for labour of companies. This shows an analysis of the job advertisements-volume of 130 job boards and 198 print media by the market research company the Index given by the human resource professional and Blogger Henner boys ‘ realm in order, according to have been abandoned in April, almost 30 percent less vacancies and the number of companies offering Places, shrank by around 25 percent. In may, it was a bit better: The ad-revenue increased by 2 percent compared with April, the number of issuing companies by as much as 11 percent.

Nadine Bös

editor in the business, responsible for the “profession and Chance”.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The economic research Institute Ifo reported with a view to the Posts in the social network Linkedin, that ads in the areas of IT and healthcare, while the Corona-crisis leaps and bounds have grown. Accordingly, the number of job advertisements from March took to may in the industry of Software and IT services 21 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.


In the health sector grew by 46 percent. to communicate “A majority of the state funds in the Corona-crisis promotes physical, digital assets,” said Oliver Falck, the Director of the Ifo center for Industrial organisation and new technologies. “To be able to, however, the advantage of the implement, it requires well-trained, but also experienced professionals with the appropriate skills.”

However, only very few companies to advertise, apparently, that they times applicants are especially welcome in Corona. “So even the most frequently selected terms such as, – cov do not even 3.2 percent of the total volume of all in may in 130 job boards and 198 print media published job ads,” says human resources expert boys rich.

From his point of view, a mistake. Because the majority of potential applicants were mistakenly of the opinion: “Now you don’t need to apply at all the companies anyway, Better things to do than to recruit.” The voice, but not for all industries and companies. The Problem: “they don’t communicate.”