The Merkel government has identified the Rambo in. She whips out the “Bazooka”, shoots of economic billion and large-caliber development loans. To suggest: We take care of, everything will return as before, we shoot our way out, and back in the past. The European reconstruction Fund, and the German economic program there. Lufthansa receives more money than it even is on the stock value of Adidas shareholders through a state-subsidized billion in loans millions paid. Even German Start-ups and venture capitalists rush to the rescue.

But our Old-Economy, nostalgia is an Extrusion Symptom. Just now, in the crisis, in which the Disruption fails to fully displace we the challenges of the future we face. At best, we speak of the “digitization”, as you would need to have a process that we initiate at last””.

This is a fatal error. The Digital is not something that engineers step-by-step and control. It is a radical break, follow richer than all the technical revolutions of the last 200 years. Video-conferencing in the home office, heart valves from 3D printers, Social Media and E-Commerce looks like today, our digital lives. The nineties are over, the cozy Deutschland AG comes back.

We must invest now in the past. We must use the crisis to otherwise overcome it, as we are walking into.

More “Moonshot”projects

As we look forward, as we invest in the future? By research money in so-called Deep-Tech, in Artificial intelligence, Bio – and health technology. This has taken into account the German policy in the economic stimulus package.

But it needs more than government subsidies in accordance with the principle of equal shares. We don’t need a Fund to restore the past, but a “European Vision Fund” with a view to the front. This Fund should invest in the whole of Europe. It must be a state Fund, bold Investment, free of funding-Muff. The Fund is a leading European venture capitalists get on Board.

Just so there is enough venture capital to invest in companies with “Moonshot”Potential. According to a Google-dominated Definition of start-UPS, which have an impact on the lives of at least a billion people.

Similarly, as in the Old Economy, the car manufacturer suppliers slits to create such a digital, Hyper-organization, an Ecosystem, the tech Start-ups flourish, and talents from all over the world attracts. This is the Silicon Valley principle.

In times of crisis, a European Vision Fund, kills two birds with one stone. He pushes the economy of the future, and acquires at the same time, shares in the company to be particularly favorable, because in the current century recession, the valuations of emerging technology companies are dramatically lower than just a few months ago. This advantage, the state must use now.