Workers who retired in February and registered with Social Security as new pensioners receive an average pension of 1,524 euros, one hundred euros more than what those who stopped working a year ago received and the highest figure in the series. historical.

According to the Pension Statistics published this Tuesday by the Ministry headed by JosĂ© Luis Escrivá, this increase is reflected even more in the new retirement pensions received by those who were salaried – they were registered in the General Regime – and now they have stopped work, since their average pension amounts to 1,623 euros, also one hundred euros more than in 2022. It is a higher average benefit because it does not take into account those charged by the self-employed or workers of other regimes such as the sea or the coal.

The average pension of the General Regime has risen one hundred euros in the last year, compared to an increase of only 23 euros in 2022, a decrease of 28 euros in 2021 -after the impact of the pandemic- and an increase of 62 euros in 2020.

The increase in new retirement pensions is mainly due to the substitution effect, that is to say, that the salaries received by people who are retiring now are higher than in previous years, so that when calculating what their pension corresponds to, a higher benefit.

In total, Social Security pays 6.33 million retirement pensions monthly and the average pension (including those who retired years ago) stands at 1,372 euros, compared to 1,250 euros a year ago, 120 euros more. In this case, the increase is not only due to the impact of the new registrations -which are higher due to the effect of higher salaries- but mainly responds to the revaluation of pensions according to the CPI, which last year gave rise to an increase of 8.5%.

As much as the Government approved in 2021, in the first part of the pension reform, measures to promote a voluntary delay in the retirement age, given the expected rise of 8.5%, some workers brought forward their retirement, since at retire a few months earlier they made a profit with the 8.5% rise.

The number of retirement pensioners went from increasing by around 4,800 people a month between January and September, to rising by 10,247 people in October, 14,315 in November, 15,437 in December and 18,642 in January – the last month in which they could take advantage of the revaluation-.

In total, Social Security spends 11,945 million euros per month in the payment of pensions -including not only retirement but also widowhood, orphanhood, permanent disability and in favor of relatives-, pays a total of 10.01 million benefits to 9.07 million pensioners and the system’s average pension stands at 1,192 euros.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project