A plague of mosquitoes leads the police officers responsible for the custody of the detainees who remain in the dungeons of the Audiencia Provincial de Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The situation has come to such an extent that the Spanish Confederation of Police (CEP) has made public a statement in which they denounce the bad conditions in which the facilities are located.

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As indicated in the communiqué, in the face of the proliferation of mosquitoes in the units assigned to custody of detainees and prisoners, officials Police raised the situation to the Spanish Confederation of Police. After the intervention of the CEP was achieved a commitment of action, but the problem continues despite the fumigation and the change of Luminaire, is indicated in the communiqué.
This is why this police union calls for action to know what kind of mosquito is in order to fight it effectively, and points out that citizens cannot risk the spread of infections. Remember the Spanish Confederation of police that mosquitoes can transmit viruses by biting a sick person and then to a healthy, and that are producing stings that cause itching, itching and redness of the skin.
The Director General of Justice, Cesáreo Rodríguez, has acknowledged that there is a mosquito problem in the audience. “We have fumigated once but it has not worked.” The problem is that we do not know where the focus is and we are going to fumigate the air conditioning ducts in order to locate where the insects are, “Rodriguez explained.
In the event that the fumigation companies do not end with the insects, the Canarian government proposes to go to the Institute of Tropical Diseases to identify what type of Diptera has taken the dungeons of the Palace of Justice of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.