The Coronavirus has brought millions of workers and employers, crash courses in digital communication and the organization of work. For many of them, the home office” and “mobile Work “had” previously a similar look and feel as “air-taxis”: ciphers of a previously not-too-realistic future discussion. However, under the Regiment of the infection protection experience is unplanned arose. Almost all, whom it may concern, now have a picture of how your work is going to change that, or change when you push the traditional “culture of Presence” radically aside.

In Parts of this culture stems from the technical constraints of analog antiquity, and was in some places only ask out of habit behind. The Lockdown promoted but revealed other insights of how a lively exchange among the home office-shows subjects since: Spatial proximity to colleagues and short distances to the informal exchange of ideas as a factor of Productivity remain. That processes can be organised differently, the presence in question is not meaningless.

What are the consequences for individual businesses and working conditions, depends greatly on the industry and job-specific conditions. The colorful experiences of unplanned large-scale experiment to provide the Basis for a wide and varied program of Modernization. This also means that employers have, it is now significantly heavier, employee desires for more flexible work organisation, with a reduced presence mandatory unreasoned refuse.

is Even more strange, what to seem for an old-fashioned picture of the world of work, those “modernisers” to attach, to derive from the Lockdown experience a legal “right to the home office” for workers – among them Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD), is planning a law. Follow the pattern: What has just folded due to self-organization, must now be regulated by law light. It shows, rather, that Intervention is necessary.

Whether and How to from home office is always to be clarified on a case by case and with the agreement of the employer and the employee. A legal claim would, however, only where the employer put a block on requests to the home office willfully. And how, please, should have been laid, of all places, the home office Experiment “Corona” a problem printing open? The advocates of the right to think in Class antagonisms, in order to notice the contradiction.