With the march of Ferrovial in Spain as a backdrop, the former President of the Government, José María Aznar, and the regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, shared a space this Thursday at the 1st Atlantic Forum of Democracy organized by the Atlántico Institute of Studies. And that has been precisely the issue that has marked the beginning of a colloquium turned into an amendment to the central government.

The former popular leader has remarked that for there to be “a project to relaunch Spain, much more investment is needed, many more companies, much more financial muscle and much more freedom of entrepreneurship and action” compared to the project that proposes “an undesirable coalition “as the Executive of Pedro Sánchez has described.

And for this, he has set the policies of the Ayuso government as an example, whom he has set as “essential” for the PP to recover the Moncloa Palace and for Alberto Núñez Feijóo “to be a good president.” “I feel identified with what he is doing in the Community of Madrid because policies based on freedom are fundamental”, he stressed before indicating that the Madrid president “has shown impressive leadership skills”.

“I know that the electoral processes are moments of house brush, but that does not imply that the basic measures cannot be addressed”, Aznar continued, which is where he has located the arrival of private capital to face challenges such as the payment of pensions or the aging of the population due to the lack of birth rates. “Can we talk about this seriously without killing ourselves and proposing State policies?”, pointed out the former president of the Government, who later also delved into the fact that the main problem in Spain is “the separatists who want to cut up our history” and of those who has assumed “the black legend” about the history of our country.

Aznar has set five points in this process: “the supposed dominance of Arab culture over the Christian one”, “the supposed genocidal destruction” in the arrival in South America, “the assumption of the Inquisition as a Spanish institution and not created by the Vatican “, “the non-existence of the Spanish nation” as one instead of 17 as plurinationalism proposes and “the inherent weakness” of that idea. “The bad thing about these five points is that a part of the Spanish have assumed them. That is why it is very important to teach what a culture like the Spanish one that brings together 700 million citizens is capable of doing. We must get rid of the historical prejudice” .

The president of the Community of Madrid has followed the same line, affirming that the nationalists have practiced “the cancellation of the Spanish culture to attack us as a nation” and has warned about “the ignorance on the part of so many generations, do not see mine, of what Spain has been to the world”. “The greatest phenomenon in history is Hispanicity and no one would have forgotten it like we have,” she added before claiming that “music in Spanish is going to do much more for alliances in the future than contrary political messages.”

The Madrid leader has also charged again against the Government of Pedro Sánchez for “exposing businessmen’s faces” in political debates, taking as an example the recent departure of Ferrovial from Spain. “If the companies leave it is their fault because they are unpatriotic, if rapists leave it is the fault of the judges who are fascists and if prices rise it is the fault of the supermarkets. This government is over and I hope they do as little damage as possible” , he has insisted.

Ayuso has also accused the Government of “taking over similar institutions as is happening in Ecuador” so that if the change occurs in Moncloa, the PP “cannot govern.” “We are at stake, the year 2023 is the opportunity we have to decide if we want to continue writing together the book that we began in 1978”, assured the popular leader, who has concluded that a new legislature of Pedro Sánchez “would put Spain in a extremist process of modifying consensus”.

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