Despite economic boom in Germany, risk of poverty has grown. This is a pleasure to be attributed to immigration. But it is worthwhile to look more closely. June 1, 2018, 16:30 Uhr133 comments Content

  • Page 1 — poor are not just migrants
  • Page 2 — not only migrants are at risk of poverty
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    It is a myth that inequality UndArmut in Germany are founded mainly by immigration. Yes, DasArmutsrisiko in Germany is increasing, and an explanation for this is indeed diezunehmende migration. Many of people who are new to country first low wages and income and are relatively often at risk of poverty. Aberdies is just an explanation.

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    Anew DIW study shows that inequality of incomes has risen significantly since 1990s years. The poorest ten percent of households today have lower real disposable incomes (i.e., social transfers and taxes) than in 1990s, with market incomes (i.e. ohneTransfers and taxes) being even more gebliebensind on line. This development has occurred mainly until 2005, since n underlying has stabilized income inequality. Now it is possible to argue that wher crisis year 2005 is really a valid year of comparison and wher it can be Erfolgzählen that inequality has not increased since n, although re has been a labour market and economic boom.

    Who are low-income?

    A prominent argument of some economists and politicians is that derEinkommensverlust of poorest households is not such a big problem, because people are ors today than y were n. Some of those who were among poorest in 1990s years were able to ascend and better Einkommenerzielen, ors do not live anymore today. For this, or people are nachgerückt, who now make up group of low-income. And killings today through immigration a lot more migrants and Migrantenals 25 years ago. The proportion of people with immigrant backgrounds in group of 20 percent with lowest incomes is now (as of 2015) at around 40Prozent, in year 2005 it was still around a quarter.

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    So is everything good, because “only” immigrants are affected by poverty undgeringen income? This argument is incorrect for at least three reasons. Firstly, impression of second-level people, whose well-being has a lesser value, is quickly created. Why should it be acceptable to accept Abel that re are or people than before, who today receive lower incomes for same Jobin of care or in building cleaning than vor20 years? And should it indeed be hailed as a success that today re is einengrößeren low-wage area than it was 20 years ago?

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    Equally wrong is assumption that inequality would not be so high, wennDeutschland would not experience so much immigration. Who would make jobs in care, construction and catering industry, if not Migrantinnenund migrants? Perhaps re would not be quite as many jobs in diesenBranchen and wages would not be quite as low, but DerEinkommensverteilung would change little. Many very poorly paid jobs would n be made by Germans. Several studies, for example from USA, show that locals often benefit from immigration, as better jobs are created and IhnenAufstiegschancen are opened. In short, auchviele Germans have been able to make better use of immigration.