The Federal Cabinet on Wednesday in new aid to the securing of training places in times of Corona-pandemic on the way. Companies that train in spite of serious economic difficulties and continue to get financial support. “With the education premium, we make it clear: We are fighting for every training place,” said Federal Minister for employment, Hubertus Heil (SPD).

With the Federal program “training courses” to get back up small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with up to 249 employees, temporary support, in order for you to receive your training activities. “Young people also need to have in Corona-the year 2020, a professional perspective,” said Heil. “Finally, the trainees of today are the professionals of tomorrow.”

Specifically, to be funded companies that received their training performance compared to the previous three years to maintain, with a one-time training bonus in the amount of 2000 euros for each for the training year 2020 concluded training contract. SMEs to increase their training performance, for each additional completed training contract once 3000 euros. Additionally, businesses should, the trainees from pandemic due to take over the insolvent Operated until the completion of their training, each Trainee a reward of 3000 euros to get. To avoid short-time work companies that continue despite a significant loss of Work of at least 50 percent of their training activities should also be promoted, with 75 percent of the monthly gross apprenticeship remuneration.

According to the Federal Ministry of the economy, the Federal government provides for the program in the years 2020 and 2021, up to 500 million euros. “After their training, these young people will contribute to the economy and prosperity in Germany is growing again,” said economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU). “Safer and more profitable, we can’t create a Federal government our money at all.”