According to a Test series of news agency AP, Google also collects geodata from customers who have explicitly opted for it in ir settings. Thus, more than two billion mobile phones are affected worldwide with Android operating system as well as several hundred million iphone users.

As scientists at Princeton University in New Jersey confirmed, it is not enough to leave record of travel data in Google Maps app. Also automatic Updates in wear app and input in Google Chrome’s browser are used to collect geodata.

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The Google support page reads, “You can stop recording your location services at any time. Your whereabouts will no longer be saved. ” According to AP, this is not case. Some Google apps still record geodata. Even non-localized web searches such as “chocolate biscuits” should be able to lead to activation of tracking.

The so-called “location markers”, i.e. regular collection of individual locating points, are also used by police in United States to determine location of suspects – and lastly employed courts repeatedly. Suspected offenders had complained that ir personal rights were violated when collecting ir data.

A detailed guide on how users can still prevent recording of ir data has been compiled by wired sheet.