VW group boss Herbert Diess (61) has to give up Power. The VW Supervisory Board, decided at a special meeting on Monday evening. From 1. July will take on Ralf Brandstätter (51), the leadership of the main group brand, Volkswagen. Diess had passed since his departure as CEO of the group and brand in a dual function, Brandstätter had been as COO for day-to-day business with the brand VW.

hopes problems in the success of the group

The group to get to the acute problems of the Volkswagen brand and the VW group in the handle. In mid-may, This had a stop in production for the new Generation of the VW model for success Golf impose: since March, 2018 for all new models of the legally required automatic Emergency assistance e-Call did not work due to software errors correctly. To match the change in leadership, the issue has been resolved now and the production stop is lifted.

Also the ID.3, with the VW starting in the summer in the electro-mobility is about to start, should suffer from software problems, and therefore may with slimmed down functionality and later retrofitted to be delivered. VW is instructed due to the stricter CO2 limits since January, this year, the ID.To sell 3, in order to avoid CO2 penalties.

works Council chief was considered the greatest critic

also, as a racially-classified advertising spot for the new Golf caused a Shitstorm. VW had apologized for the advertising error. Works Council chief Bernd Osterloh (63) said: “I’m ashamed of myself for this Spot. As I am sure I speak for the whole staff.” The influential operation Chairman also sits on the group Board and had a role in this special double-least of all the problems in the introduction of Golf to sharp criticism.

And also the diesel scandal is of concern to the group: at the end of may a German court had decided that VW will have to refund to the withdrawal of the is obligated of software manipulation to diesel engines of the affected cars, and the purchase price in large part. In the U.S., new criminal threatening payments in the billions. And in September, the trial against the former Audi starts-Chef Rupert Stadler (57), is accused of manipulated to have diesel vehicles against their better Knowledge in the area of trade.

the change in VW to rapidly?

May Diess lacked the time to place the baking dish problems to devote enough attention to. Only since 2015 This is in the group and in 2018, the successor of Matthias Müller (67) was the boss of the group. Had the VW diesel scandal of the VW group in the shortest possible time to electric mobility as the drive of the future. Diess continues this shift in emphasis has prescribed a drastic austerity course, but in the rapid change appears to have difficulties to convince the staff of his course. Specifically, the company is also a structure at VW, with the mighty Osterloh, but also the German state of lower Saxony, 20 percent of VW shares, and determined.

at the same time with the change of leadership at VW was known, moreover, that shopping management Board Stefan Sommer (57) is leaving at his own request at the end of June the group. The summer had passed by 2018, the supplier ZF in Friedrichshafen (D), which had recently announced the removal of 15’000 Points.