for fraud to pay, Kirill Serebrennikov, not only for a period of six years in prison, but in addition to his prison sentence 800,000 rubles (roughly 10,300 euros) penalty, said Prosecutor Mikhail Resnitschenko on Monday in front of a Moscow court. The procedure is internationally recognized as a political show trial against the liberal art scene in Russia in the criticism. Also, Chancellor Angela Merkel and international Stars were used for the movies and theatre-maker.

The award-winning Director was most recently staged in March in the absence of the German theatre in Berlin, the piece of “Decameron”. The Russian judiciary accuses the chief of the Moscow Gogol-center, to funding millions of dollars in misappropriated. With him three other employees are charged. They are supposed to according to the will of the office of the Prosecutor four or five years in prison. The Director protested his innocence.

The criminal process is seen by many Russian and international cultural professionals as a revenge campaign of ultra-conservative circles against the liberal artist. Also, the politically influential Russian Orthodox Church, interfere in his sometimes socially critical films. Thousands of prominent cultural figures in Russia, the Minister of culture Olga Ljubimowa requested that the accusations against Serebrennikov and his Team to drop.