pause, While in Belarus the peaceful protests against electoral fraud, has urged the Belarusian literature Nobel prize-winner Svetlana Alexievich President Lukashenka to resign. “Get out before it’s too late, before you’ve got the people into the abyss of a civil war overthrown!”, Alexievich said to the Radio Svoboda and threw the power apparatus, had declared the people’s war. Alexievich was certain that the, apparently, to leave compelled Svetlana Tichanowskaja won the election.

Peaceful people show unknown forces

Kerstin Holm.

editor in the features section.

F. A. Z.

“You just want, and this desire of yours leads to the shedding of blood,” says Alexei Petrovich at the address of Lukashenka, where she is on intimate terms with his family. The Belarusians are peaceful people, – said the 72-year-old writer; you did not want the Maidan, she explained with a view to the victims of protests in Ukraine, no bloodshed. The more they showed the brutality of the OMON special forces in horror, the had acted with inhuman, Yes satanic fury against the protesters. She could not believe that Belarusian guys would be such a bashing on their mothers and sisters. At the same time, Alexievich thanked the protesters that they had, “our preserves Dignity.” You have fallen in love during the last weeks in their nation, confessed Alexievich; the people had changed, and they showed unprecedented force.

it is Actually demonstrated in the streets of Minsk and several other cities, but highly civil. As a sign of their support for the victims of police arbitrariness, the people are dressed in white, with white armbands and white flowers, human chains. Telegram of the opposition channel Nexta of each of the strikes reported and shows veterans of the spetsnaz, special police, the throwing as a Protest against the excesses of the OMON units, their uniforms and badges in the trash.