rail passengers in long-distance traffic should be able to reserve from the point of view of a consumer crisis, conservationists in the Corona-free a seat. “In addition to the mask duty distance is easily the Best thing we can do for the time being,” said Klaus Müller, the Executive Board of the Federal Association of consumer centres, the German press Agency. Trains may not be fully pushed.

“On busy stretches of the railway have to use therefore additional wagons, the assignment with intelligent technology in the train EQ, and preferably travelers with a reservation enter leave”, said Müller. “The reservation charges for long-distance transport during Corona should be omitted.”

Who travels second class, pays for the reservation is currently made up of four euros for a family of eight euros. In the first class of the fixed seat, however, is the Flex and the low price included. In the past few days, demands for a compulsory reservation, were again become loud.

40 percent of the Deutsche Bahn rejects, or even fully

This so far and wanted to add to the on Saturday, nothing. “Our customers appreciate the flexibility,” had been Chairman of the Board Richard Lutz emphasized only Recently. For the rail, the flexible is Get is also an important sales argument in the competition with the airplane.

According to Lutz’s information, the group tried to avoid using the reservation systems that more than half of the seats will be booked in a train. Sometimes the train crew, deliver the passengers to grant clearances. Cleaning, disinfection, ventilation, and the mask of duty led, in addition, that there was “no risk of Contagion” in the trains, as Lutz said.

The Germans are divided on the question of the compulsory reservation. On the one hand, 34 percent support in the course of the railway, as a YouGov poll revealed this week. On the other hand, 40 percent are somewhat or even fully in favour of making the reservation mandatory.