The rents in Germany’s major cities are rising rapidly, as a comparison of rental prices of 14 German cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants by real estate search engine shows. Accordingly, prices have risen most in Berlin over past ten years: in German capital, rented flats currently cost 104 percent more than in year 2008.

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With prices averaging 11.40 euros per square metre, Berlin is now ranked fifth in a nationwide ranking. According to real estate portal, this is particularly noticeable, as Berlin was ten years ago with an average rental price of 5.60 euros per square metre still at end of prices scale – par with food in Ruhr area. Since n, steady influx has considerably increased capital’s rental price.

Rental in Munich empty swept

In Munich , too, landlords and landlords demand ever higher rents – in past ten years re has been an average of 61 percent. Meanwhile, rent re is average at 17.90 euros per square metre; The Bavarian capital lands once again in first place of nationwide ranking. It is also noteworthy that proportion of vacant properties re is also lower than in all or cities under investigation and now amounts to almost zero percent. The rental in Munich is refore not only most expensive, it is practically empty swept.

With Nuremberg , anor Bavarian city occupies one of top three places in terms of rental prices. From 6.50 euros to ten euros, rent since 2008 (plus 54 percent). And even in city of Franconia vacancy is now less than one percent – free real estate is barely on market.

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Price increases in largest East German cities are significantly lower. In Leipzig and Dresden re is an increase in price of 35 per cent. The square metre costs in Leipzig currently 6.50 euro. At vacancy level, highest value among all cities under investigation is reached at just under five percent. Here, seekers still have a certain choice, but owners have to Damitrechnen to seek more extensively when changing tenants. Dresden is slightly more expensive with 7.40 euros and has a vacancy rate of about half as high with just under two percent.

In Dortmund , real estate has been rising by 35 percent over past ten years, from 5.20 euros to seven euros. In nearby food re was only an increase of 21 percent – lowest value of all cities studied. Also in absolute terms, square meter with 6.80 Euro is still comparatively favorable here. With a good three percent vacancy, re are some free properties, but this proportion has also decreased in period examined.

The figures of real estate portal cover most of surveys of or organisations and institutions. For example, German Institute of Economics (IW) recently presented a study that rents in East German Jena are 20 percent below federal average, but those in North German Hamburg 36 percent above. According to this, even 52 percent of Berlin district is currently more mature than German average. Recently, real estate industry criticized fact that municipalities did not undertake too little against rising rents.