Is that fair? Of all the Storms that went across institutions, because they correspond to recent ideas of identity and representation, the International Football Association Board completely unaffected. In this case, the Ifab would be in more ways than one, a rewarding objective: to Him, only men, who are white. Mostly they are quite old and are, in a sense, qua birth from England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. It is the heads of the four British football associations, which define the rules of football that apply to all players of all leagues around the world are.

However, Fifa is a member of this Board, in the Person of its President. And so the Swiss Gianni Infantino brings a nice piece of diversity in this exclusive circle. With his fifty years, he is almost a young whippersnapper. And his reputation as a flawless Democrat, Infantino has worked so persistently, that it is only natural, if he is permitted to submit for the Fifa four votes, while the gentlemen from the United Kingdom each have only one vote.

The Ifab has long been regarded as a very conservative and inflexible, but in the past few years, it has developed a certain enthusiasm for Reform, it must be added the influence of the enterprising football world ruler. In the very short term, the Board has now introduced an additional rule, for a Corona event. Therefore, players of the field can be referred to, if you intentionally in the direction of the umpires or opposing players, coughing or sneezing.