Several bodies have decided, with immediate effect, the founded in 1948 with the Rias chamber choir Berlin “Berlin Dynamic Singers” to rename. The choir shares in an official message to his press office. He was the last Ensemble of the Berlin radio orchestra and choirs GmbH, which had referred to its origin from the radio in the American sector (Rias).

The date for his excellent interpretations of the New music that is estimated to last under the direction of René Jacobs, the resulting re-recording of Ludwig van Beethoven’s “Missa solemnis” by the critics once more acclaimed top-of-the choir will focus in the future on a contemporary, easy listening Repertoire. In addition to New Classic and Musical Songs choral interpretations of current Pop Charts are now available on the program. The transformation of serving, so literally, “the development of new target groups that have nothing to do with classical music in the hat”.

A spontaneous road survey in a lunch break, and had, as the person responsible to inform, that 78.2 percent of respondents expected in the advertising-relevant target group of 14 to 49 years, “more Drive” from a classic Ensemble. 85.7 percent stated that they can think of, to attend a classical concert, when the Songs of Mark Forster and Tim Bendzko would be interpreted. “I’m sure that the choir will benefit from the transformation,” commented the choir Director Bernhard Hess, the survey results. “Instead of old stuff and new-fangled dislocations, we can provide our increasingly younger audience now, easy listening experiences.”

The change in name also attracts a new Logo to. : Picture: Rias chamber choir Berlin/Berlin Dynamic Singers

Major impetus for the transformation of Hess, whose contract has recently been extended have received, through the restructuring of two public culture channel. “Anyone who sees the signs of the times, you can also break with Tradition,” says the Manager, with reference to the new name of the Choir.”The new Name expresses who we are: Dynamic and in Berlin!” For the upcoming season, the Berlin Dynamic Singers plan to, among other things, a 100-daily Tiktok Challenge and dieUraufführung of the first choral Interpretation of the Chart topping hit “Like I Love You” vonNico Santos.