
  • Page 1 — by a cook who is not allowed to cook
  • Page 2 — “I’ve been working since I was seven years old”
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    It is at noon dinnertime in winding downtown of run on Pegnitz. A covered timber-house, right next to town gate from Middle Ages: all places on large terrace in kennel-Melber of Claudia and Siegfried Bachmann are occupied. The old sandstone city wall throws cool shadows. Claudia is in kitchen while her husband is reading day pass: Fried schnitzel with crushed pepper, a Vichyssoise, a cold leek soup or a salad. The atmosphere: quaint. The cuisine: ambitious traditional.

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    The restaurant is running. Neverless, innkeepers make Bachmann worry when y think about future. “Last year we had two applicants for kitchen, one was not qualified, second decided for anor company,” says Siegfried Bachmann. They urgently need next generation, ir workforce is already working at limit. The Bachmanns are refore thinking about zuzusperren ir restaurant more often, perhaps even introducing a second day of rest in week. He knows many taverns with tradition to which y go, says Siegfried Bachmann.

    The Bachmanns had long since found solution of ir problems: The dream applicant works hard and reliable, is always punctual, friendly and learns quickly. “In a word: perfect,” says Claudia Bachmann. The problem: Ali Sadeqi is Afghan.

    The kitchen is a tough job, many applicants do not exist

    The young man with winning laughter came to Germany in fall of 2015. Since n he has done everything one could expect from a fugitive: He is now fluent in German, he goes to school, has never made a debt. In addition to school, he was allowed to work in Bachmann’s kitchen for three days a week for a year. They would like to take over hardworking 19-year-olds and train m to cook. But immigration office denied him work permit.

    The Inn kennel-Melber by Claudia and Siegfried Bachmann

    The Inn kennel-Melber by Claudia and Siegfried Bachmann

    Sadeqis parents had fled from Afghanistan to Iran 26 years ago. There, Ali came to world, in illegality, without birth certificate; He never possessed a passport. But that’s what authorities want him to see. He must not work yet because he did not participate in “clarification of his identity” is accusation. Sadeqi has already filed a lawsuit, but decision is still pending.

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    For over a year now, Sadeqi is waiting for him to get started with his training in his dream job. “Actually, I could almost be done,” he says. Because Bachmanns were so enthusiastic about Ali, y kept training place free as long as necessary.

    The conditions for refugees in Bavaria are ideal

    Stefan Kastner keeps hearing stories like Bachmann’s. Kastner heads Vocational Training Division of Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry. How to integrate refugees into labour market is one of its priorities. But not only in Boommetropole Munich or at Audi location in Ingolstadt re is full employment. Also in or parts of Bavaria, in cities like run or Ansbach, re is almost no unemployment. That sounds good, but it means for many entrepreneurs that y no longer find employees. 130,000 vacancies were reported to employment agency in Free State in July. The Chamber of Commerce even speaks of 260,000 skilled workers who are currently missing in Bavaria. “In Middle Franconia alone we go from 25,000 to 30,000 missing specialists,” says Kastner. 1,900 apprenticeship positions at its member companies remained vacant last year.

    Many companies with many vacancies – conditions for young refugees could not be better. “Moreover, hardly a federal state prepares young refugees better for training market than Bavaria,” says Kastner. But after years in professional preparation classes, re is often nothing happening. The Free State is considered to be particularly rigorous in law on foreigners. Basically, polls among members showed that willingness to disKastner refugees is very high. But companies have to invest time and money in next generation – which may n be deported after one year.