to-day money lives: for Years, the interest rates are crumbling down on short-term deposited money. But now, the industry revitalizes Primus, ING-Diba, his money market account. The subsidiary of the Dutch Bank ING is offering new customers for the first four months of at least 1 percent.

The competition Rabodirekt, basically the Dutch Version of the Volks – and Raiffeisen banks, had been placed previously on the annual interest rates of 0.3 percent interest rate bonus of 0.36 percentage points, a plan for the next four months. The Dutch cooperative bankers offer their Bonus not only for new customers but also for existing customers. Exemplary. The impact is there but only for fresh money.

Even otherwise, it is a little like the recent football: Oranje rules in the interest tables for particularly safe assets. In addition to the two large banks, the Dutch competition Money You, a subsidiary of ABN Amro, and the world’s largest car leasing company Leaseplan, also from Holland – offers good interest rates.

Great competition comes not only from the consors Bank, the German subsidiary of the French major Bank BNP Paribas. The Institute had provided at the beginning of year one per cent interest on the money market account for six months. The number of accounts is still “slightly higher than at the beginning of the year,” writes the Bank on request.

It does not depend on the exchange will

German banks, but to respond. For other provider from the Italian and French neighborhood. The Cosmo is the subsidiary of Generali, directly: the money-supply varies since the spring of between 0.5 and 0.4 per cent. And it is still in the market for money, the online subsidiary of Crédit Agricole, the Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance, great: you pay for two years, currently 1.1 per cent, and for three years of 1.2 per cent.

For investors, the strategic question arises: is it Worth it to hoppen of a special offer to the next? Or is that for the reasonable earnings to get annoying?

My answer: It depends on it. If you can just move a lot of money and have the nerve Hoppen for the Interest rate, then the Change is worth it. 50,000 Euro to 1 per cent, for four months to bring 167 Euro interest rates.

Useful for interest-hopper, you don’t need to different than it used to be to the post office around the corner and there is a 30 minutes queue for the Post-Ident-procedure. Most large banks now offer the Video identification process. You can log in from the home Computer for such an account.

about The author Finanztip Hermann-Josef Tenhagen (Born 1963) is editor-in-chief of the “Finanztip”. The consumer guide is a non-profit. “Finanztip” refinanced through what is called Affiliate Links. More on this here.

Tenhagen has previously led as editor-in-chief for 15 years, the magazine “financial test”. After his studies of politics and Economics, he began his journalistic career at the “daily newspaper”. He is now the honorary Supervisory Board of the cooperative. In the case of MIRROR ONLINE Tenhagen writes weekly about the right way to deal with your own money.

If you want to make of it but it is a strategy, then you will be able to another Trick: Close your account again in each case completely – it is not enough merely to empty out, as soon as the interest rates are low. Who closes the account, will be accepted by the banks after six or twelve months as a new customer. And has offered access to the beautiful new Customer.

As soon it not be better

if that is too stressful, the search for the two-to three-month income that should, as a iron Reserve on the money market account, a durable good provider. One that has recently demonstrated that he holds the interest over a longer period of time. So 0.3 per cent to 0.5 per cent in the course of the past twelve months, fairly steadily, with a number of banks.

Finally, to understand the DPA, The most important data and facts on the worldwide interest rate movement

Higher interest rates are not expected, but for the time being. I asked: the speaker of consors Bank, Cosmo direct, ING-Diba, but also in the interest portals the world save, Savedo and interest of the pilot to the best of horseback riding in unison, that it could go with the interest rates on the money market total short-term top. While Cosmo will have in the short-term interest rates at least a “soil formation” is detected, is observed in the case of interest pilot, the interest rates for existing customers have shown in the past three months to below.

the question Remains: Are you alone as an interest-hopper? With hard Numbers to comment this week, none of the actors on this question. But the combination of rate increase, and Marketing is for sure the “easiest and fastest way” to attract new customers, one of the bankers.

Maybe. It is unclear whether the jump in, jump in fact, out again, as soon as the greeting is paid money. The market leader, ING-Diba had at the beginning of the year, according to its own figures 6.8 million days of clients ‘ money, on the accounts of over EUR 100 billion. After the Bank lowered the interest rates for the money to practically zero (0.01 percent), had the “number of accounts and the volume barely changed”. Data does not need to be ING-Diba, however, is out to prove this assessment. Well.

suitable for: consors Bank reports higher Numbers than the beginning of the year, she was also up to the March with a 1-percent offer for a period of six months on-the-go and always pays 0.6 per cent for new customers.


Cosmo directly, it means that you observe a “reluctance to change due to new interest-rate offers”. The leaves on a few interest rate hopper close. A shame, because competition can revive the business only if consumers use them.

A more convenient Alternative, there is on the market, at least in principle: – interest portals such as world savings, interest-pilot or Savedo could make agreements with your customers that you slide the money from one of their affiliated banks to the next, depending on who offers the best interest rate. Technically and legally this would not be a Problem. The customer would then have to say how safe the Bank is supposed to be, which is the Deposit protection should you belong to for example.

in fact, however, also take place. Andreas Wiethölter, the Marketing Director of Savedo and interest of the pilot even stated that the new customer deals to cash customers during the competition Days of the “not noticeable”. The two portals had in August, however, only 155.000 customers. World save reports, you observe, among his several tens of thousands of customers also in the Hopper, but their proportion was rather low.

this raises the question: Why go to the big banks with a new customer interest on the market? Apparently that’s worth it. Customer interest is there, successful advertising, and you will see that at least some customers will react. Thus, the number of customers increases, at least temporarily. At the next reporting date, the Bank can report that you had grown again.

And then the – quite justified – there are, of course, hope that a larger portion of those new customers are not a Hopper, but sluggish enough, and after the expiration of the special rate.

Therefore my request to you: If you go hunting, take the gifts with advertising. But you are not too comfortable. You make the whereabouts of the new Bank, depending on whether you get clever deals for your money. Something Better than the 0.01 percent you will find anywhere.