Maria del Rosario Green Macías, the first female chancellor in Mexico, has passed away this Saturday at 76 years. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its current owner, Luis Videgaray, have mourned his death from his Twitter accounts. “Mexican diplomacy is in mourning.” A Mexican exemplary: professor, writer, politics and woman of state, respected throughout the world and who always carried the name of Mexico, wrote the Chancellor and strong man of the government of Enrique Peña Nieto (PRI).

The Mexican foreign service deeply regrets the death of the ambassador and former chancellor, Rosario Green Macías. The ones we work with and know, we will always be proud of the role that led to play Mexico in the world. PIC.TWITTER.COM/2GDGEJNHPZ — SRE Mexico (@SRE_mx) November 25, 2017 Mexican diplomacy mourns the death of the ambassador and former chancellor, Rosario Green Macías. A Mexican exemplary: professor, writer, politics and woman of state, respected throughout the world and who always carried the name of Mexico. Rest in peace.
— Luis Videgaray Caso (@LVidegaray) November 25, 2017 Green served as secretary of Foreign Affairs during the last three years of the administration of Ernesto Zedillo (1994-2000), when Mexico was in PL Eno process of opening up the global economy and shortly after the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States and Canada, now in the process of renegotiating.
In the nineties, the also professor and political of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) held the position of Under-Secretary of Political Affairs of the UN under the mandate of Boutros Boutros-Ghali.
Although of PRI militancy, Green continued his diplomatic work — as an ambassador in Argentina — during the first stage of the conservative PAN in power, with Vicente Fox as president. Later, however, the Mexican criticized the Fox administration’s foreign policy. At a conference in the Colegio de Mexico, he accused the administration of abandoning the principles “that in the past earned him so much international prestige to Mexico”, according to the report in 2006 the journal Proceso.
In the first epoch of the PRI out of power, Green led the party as secretary General of the National Executive Committee, between 2005 and 2007. She was one of the first women to occupy this post, after Elba Esther Gordillo. He was later a senator for the PRI up to 2012.
In 2013, the Mexican foreign Secretary awarded him the title of Ambassador Emeritus, the highest diplomatic rank in Mexico.