
  • Page 1 — not Batwoman enough
  • Page 2 — representation of minorities has a long history
  • Page 3 — action hero must still be a cool guy
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    It is a truism that women are not better people. If you have so far done less damage in derMenschheitsgeschichte than men, Dannwahrscheinlich mainly because of lower effectiveness and possibilities. Assurance also members of sexual minorities are not only inspired by spirit of true, good and beautiful, but last weeks have provided gutesAnschauungsmaterial. Various planned film and television projects with gays, lesbians and transsexual protagonists were not torpedoed by denüblichen Internet trolls, but by representatives of LGBT community with mselves quite ugly and stupid actions in Social networks. The planned actors are not gay or transsexual mselves or, for heaven’s sake, not lesbian enough.

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    Scarlett Johansson withdrew Sichnach vehement protests against her planned occupation as a transgendered male rub and tug “respectfully” from project, which has since rested. The news that it is to be an openly gay figure for first time in EinemDisney-film – Jungle Cruise – did not arouse enthusiasm, but criticism, because Jack Whitehall is to take on this role, an openly heterosexual man. Undschließlich called announcement that lesbian actress Ruby Rose Diein to play DC Comics as a lesbian re-introduced super heroine Batwoman, Derartgehässige reactions on Twitter show that actress deleted her Profilda herself. The accusations were: Rose was bad as an actress. She is not, like figure, a Jewish lesbian, or even, in most absurd twist, not lesbian enough.

    “If DC fans UndLGBT fans don’t want something, we can be powerful,” wrote a Nutzerinselbstzufrieden on Twitter – a tweet that was largely shredded in comments. Also crazy Rich Asians, first American TV show with exclusive Asiatischstämmigem cast, was criticized Übrigensin last days as “not Asiatischgenug”.

    Cultural pessimists talk about end of acting

    You can draw different conclusions from DiesenVorgängen: General about moral DeformierendeQualität of Twitter, which works far beyond current US president and deeply into society; Polemics against Vonrechten circles so gladly mocked so-called social JusticeWarriors, to whom, according to ir adversaries, nothing was right and Diegrundsätzlich to decomposition of Occidental Zivilisationarbeiteten; Specific about fan communities of science-fiction undSuperheldenfranchises, which is obviously not only in white MännlichenVariante (think of ugly Twitter campaigns against Dieasiatischstämmige Star Wars actress Kelly Marie Tran), But also in gay-lesbian expression to meddle, over agitation UndGehässigkeit tend. Or one can get upset by an apparently derzeitbei minority of new aunticity delusions in film-setting questions and at same time proclaim culture pessimistically end of drama art.

    if ( typeof AdController !== ‘undefined’ !window.Zeit.isMobileView()) { if ( !document.getElementById( ‘iqadtile4’ ) ) { var elem = document.createElement( ‘div’ ); = ‘iqadtile4’; elem.className = “ad ad-desktop ad-desktop–4 ad-desktop–4-on-article”; elem.setAttribute(‘data-banner-type’, ‘desktop’); document.getElementById(‘ad-desktop-4’).parentNode.appendChild(elem); AdController.render(‘iqadtile4’); if ( window.console typeof === ‘function’ ) {‘AdController ‘ AdController.VERSION ‘ tile 4 desktop’) } } } if ( typeof AdController !== ‘undefined’ window.Zeit.isMobileView()) { if ( !document.getElementById( ‘iqadtile4’ ) ) { var elem = document.createElement( ‘div’ ); = ‘iqadtile4’; elem.className = “ad ad-mobile ad-mobile–4 ad-mobile–4-on-article”; elem.setAttribute(‘data-banner-type’, ‘mobile’); document.getElementById(‘ad-mobile-4’).parentNode.appendChild(elem); AdController.render(‘iqadtile4’); if ( window.console typeof === ‘function’ ) {‘AdController ‘ AdController.VERSION ‘ tile 4 mobile’) } } }

    No question, it istenttäuschend that even parts of socio-emancipatory and progressively understood sociocultural left and representatives of minority inOnlinenetzwerken do not behave more beautifully or better than gefürchtetenAlt-right trolls. However, it cannot be astonished. Minority is keinmoralischer status, experience of discrimination, be it subtle or full of violence, has nothing cleansing, it does not automatically confer einenGerechtigkeitssinn or increased empathy. The fact that re is no degree of derMenschheit in Crooked Wood is a philosophical statement with HohemWahrscheinlichkeitswert, whose validity does not extend merely to specimens inpositions of social privilege.

    If you now malaber deep air and zurückgeht behind ugliness of social networks, subject of employment policy, however, can not only be treated alsabsurdes lubricating atre. The now often expressed and naheliegendeEinwand, demand for auntic role-casts is unspeakably stupid, because it is about acting, so business in which people jemandenoder something y are not mselves, is true, but Not sufficient.