Some of the Generalitat’s exadvisors imprisoned for sedition and rebellion are beginning to change defence strategy. The advisor of Presidència, Jordi Turull, and the one of territory, Josep Rull, have asked the national audience to release them by alleging, among other things, that they have “expressly” recorded the measures of article 155 of the Constitution, without promoting any ” Resistance “against.
Rull and Turull add to the line promoted by the defense of the president of Parlament, Carme Forcadell, and of the independence members of the Bureau. They all managed to evade the provisional prison without bail after abiding by the application of article 155 and after renouncing the unilateral way of achieving independence during the judicial Declaration. Turull and Rull, exadvisors of the PDeCAT, seek now with that same formula to go out of prison and to be able to participate in the electoral campaign.
In its appeals to the national audience, the exadvisors request that the provisional prison order issued by Judge Carmen Lamea be revoked. They request, in particular, that they apply the same criteria for which the supreme released on bail the president of Parlament and the members of the table of Junts PEL Yes.
The writings of the defense recall that Turull and Rull “do not hold any charge” in the government of the Generalitat. Although they “disagree” with the decision, both “have accepted the application of article 155 of the Constitution by the Spanish Government”. The lawyer of the Exadvisors, Jordi Pina, uses the mention to 155 to justify that there is no risk of destruction of evidence or of criminal reiteration. “All defendants”, recalls the letter, “have expressly complied with the measures enacted under article 155 of the Constitution without effecting or promoting any kind of resistance to its application”.