
  • Page 1 — The scandal has arrived at top
  • Page 2 — VW-Eignerfamilien Porsche and Piëch stand behind Stadler
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    With arrest of Audi-ChefRupert Stadler, investigations in exhaust fraud scandal have a new Qualitäterreicht: For first time, an acting chairman of DemVolkswagen group sits in custody. The Munich II prosecutor’s office, which is investigating Audi board of Directors, has requested U-custody for blackout risk. Damitmeinen lawyers have urgent suspicion that imprisoned person could change evidence or destroy or influence witnesses. DasAmtsgericht followed request and issued an arrest warrant.

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    The detention is next in investigation process against Stadler – only at end of May dieMünchner prosecutors had placed Audi boss as well as anor non-namentlichgenanntes Audi board member on ir list of accused persons. Sielegen both “fraud and indirect misdeeds” to burden. Dabeigeht is about Stadler’s behavior after Abgasmanipulationvon VW cars had become known in USA in September 2015.

    Only a few weeks later, group had to admit that Audi had also hidden three software programs in company’s vehicles from US authorities, tionaboutyourwebsite such illegal shutdown device. The investigators accuse Stadler of having learned at this time that Audi models are similarly manipulated in Europe – but, unlike in USA, y have not ordered a stop for sales, but have continued to put cars on market.

    Exhaust scandal-prosecutor suspected blackout risk Audi CEO Rupert Stadler has been arrested. The Munich public Prosecutor’s office fears that Stadler can influence evidence or persons. © Photo: Armin Weigel/DPA software invented according to investigators at Audi

    The investigation at Audi Laufenschon longer. Since spring of 2017, investigators at several Razzienan have had extensive documentation transfer Audi locations in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm. Last week, private flats of Stadler and or member of board were also searched surprisingly for securing evidence. On Monday, arrested Stadler, according to Staatsanwaltschaftkeine, made information about matter, his lawyer also rejected an opinion.

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    For a long time, Audi chief himself was not at center of investigation. It seemed as if scandal substantiate manipulated exhaust gas purification in diesel vehicles could not do anything – while Längstgegen or managers of VW group were identified, including ex-boss Martin Winter Korn, today’s VW CEO Herbert dies and chairman of supervisory board Hans Dieter Pötsch. Stadler, however, always denied any involvement in DenAbgasmanipulationen.

    It has been a long time since dieFäden of scandal in Ingolstadt and at Audi site in Neckarsulm: According to investigators, DieBetrugssoftware should have been invented at Audi. This suspicion was expressed eineSprecherin Munich II prosecutor’s office in March 2017. Later, Silkie software was also installed in vehicles of or VW brands.

    Stadler has been Audi boss since beginning of 2007 – and just at that time introduction of diesel Engine EA 189 in Europe USA is falling. So that engine, which n, with shut-off device, was installed worldwide in millions of vehicles of group (here our timeline of scandal from 2007 to today). Audi alone is to Verkaufthaben in Diversitytrade Europe from 2009 to around 220,000 diesel cars with software. Individual engineers and engine developers at Audi should n have warned in fall of 2013 that US authorities could discover. But when did Stadler know about use of illegal software?