The President of the Hamburg-based Giga Institute of global and area studies, Amrita Narlikar, fears that Germany, the wave is facing a new Corona. “In our efforts as quickly as possible to normality to come back, decide to a lot of people for a hasty return to your Lifestyle instead of life-saving,” she said in a conversation with the F. A. Z.: “We all know that at a distance, and masks helps to carry, contain the Virus. And yet we see everywhere that many people believe that the danger had passed.“

Carsten Germis

economic correspondent in Hamburg.

F. A. Z.

Narlikar was picnics, parties, and pictures of the Beach holiday makers, which gave the impression that the danger had passed. Also, the number of people increases, the refused to wear it in public transport or in the shops of masks. “The success of the precautionary measures has paradoxical consequences,” she said.

“of Course we want to embrace us,”

Because it had managed to bring with the limited Lockdown, the spread of the Virus under control, now believed many people, the restrictions were unnecessary. Narlikar criticized the strategy of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel: Merkel have spread from the beginning of the pandemic to be premature in the Narrative, mainly certain groups such as the Elderly or Vorerkrankte threatened by this new Virus. “The result, of course, Younger and Healthy feel that they are not endangered, and it is an act to be altruistic consideration for the “Weaker”, if you follow the rules in the Corona times,” said Narlikar, only: “We know today that young people from the after-effects are affected if you fall ill to the Virus.”

to give Merkel and the strategy of the Federal government would not have so helped not only to large groups of the population a false sense of security. “It has extended also to the process for the normality to come back”.

The successes of Germany in the fight against the pandemic were attributable to the government. But the chosen Narrative, not helped to unite the population in the matter, said Narlikar. While in Germany, more and more of it will be done, you have to learn to live with the Virus, represent a further head of government a very different approach – Jacinda Ardern, the head of government of new Zealand, have opted instead for the way: “We come from the Virus.”