Since the Federal Council, the program for the Covid19-has launched loans, has to do Martin Godel very much. He is head of the state Secretariat for economic Affairs (Seco), the Department of SME policy.

at The Moment we have no indication that Covid-19-loans on a large scale was cheated. However, the authorities remain vigilant. Due to the value-added tax invoices we will check in the future for other situations.

The Federal government brings together information from different databases with the database of the guarantee organisations. Because this is a vouch Yes, finally, for each individual credit. From this merging of information, which may be indications of fraud arise.

The tax administration has, for example, on the basis of the invoiced VAT on information about the amount of the turnover of a company or due to the taxation of Dividends, whether dividends have been paid or not. In addition, banks report predicate Offences for money laundering to the money laundering reporting office Switzerland MROS and passes the information to the prosecutors.

Seco has adopted a concept for the prevention of abuse, which is regularly updated. The largest correction is needed for multiple applications, so if companies have more than one credit. This will then have to pay one or even more loans. At the Moment the dividend has us especially prohibition. The guarantee organisations are currently reviewing 260 cases, also here there will be back payments.

the authorities Have a Chance to come all the scammers on the ropes?
We are practically to find out everything, where criminal energy behind it. Important to know: We will check the most in retrospect. This makes sense, because otherwise we would punish the vast majority of the companies are instructed to right and are in urgent need of a loan.

The curve of the requests is flattened is the biggest onslaught is over?
Yes, there are many signs at the moment. But the deadline for loan applications is still running until December 31. July.

voices are heard that this deadline should be extended – does that make sense?
We advise the company to take advantage of the period. Thereafter, the annual Guarantee to the SMEs is still available.