Christoph Blocher (79) has a “Hans in schnägge hole”Problem: The SVP-Father has everything he wants. Namely, a number of candidates for the highest SVP-party office web – the national councils Andreas Glarner (57) and Alfred Heer (58).

But, as Hans in the children’s song of Christoph in reality, not what he really wants. He could be a second Toni Brunner (45), the SVP-President. Desire candidate and farmer Marcel Dettling (39) don’t like. And Glarus, and the army are not Blocher convenient.

A chief of staff is found to be

now? The SVP searches and searches. Has found the party, Franz Grüter (56). The Lucerne-based IT entrepreneur but would like to also not at the top of the party leadership. Grüter takes on the role of the newly created joint chiefs of staff.

The personnel Grüter does not make the search for the successor of the assigning party’s President Albert Rösti (52), however, is easier. A new SVP-chief would like to maybe bring one or another person of trust and does not already have one in the party headquarters to sit in the reputation to be Blochers Keeper.

asked about his unusual role, defends IT entrepreneur Grüter: “I am independent of Herrliberg and stand by the new President or the new President as chief of staff to the side, but not in the way.” He sees his work primarily as support and distribution of the load on more shoulders.

On Saturday Baader yard

held After a gap due to Corona, the presidential search Committee has resumed their work. Last Saturday, she received several possible candidates. Which and how many, says Commission chief Caspar Baader (66). The former group chief stressed that there were still no Decisions. He was “confident” that the Assembly of delegates from the 22. August could present a candidacy for the presidency.

Sure, he is not. Maybe it is still October, until the SVP can present one or more candidates. Today is not even clear whether there will be a selection or only a single candidate is to be rubber-stamped.

Gutjahr Baader gave a basket

According to the VIEW information, the despair is great in the SVP. Also very inexperienced members of the Federal house group to have been heard last week by the search Committee. Those who took part and who have not agreed the Parties to silence. VIEW white, of an invitation, the Thurgauer national councillor Diana Gutjahr (36) had. She, however, gave the search Committee a basket.

Now the voices of Albert Rösti should make it to 2022 before there would be a fix solution to the SVP-tip. Officially, the search Committee Rösti didn’t ask but.

vote SVP makes you nervous,

Röstis extension is not Excluded. Finally, the voting population is on 27. September is going over the termination the Initiative of the SVP to limit immigration in Switzerland and the free movement of persons with the EU to throw over Board. A month earlier, the driving force of change is risky – you want to expose in fact, Switzerland is at risk of foreclosure.

How large is the uncertainty within the SVP because of the upcoming vote is, to show also the rear shots on their own, Federal councillor Guy Parmelin (60), of the Initiative as a threat for Switzerland as a location looks. It would also be easy to overlook the fact that a SVP Federal Council adheres to the collegiality principle and from his heart, not a killer pit makes.

Bernese solution cost

in view of the helplessness in matters of the Bureau, a slightly longer whereabouts of the the popular hash Browns would not be wrong. He would give the SVP a time to be a good solution-quiet Elevator. But the hash Browns on a potato rosti follows, would have to Blocher open his casket. Free work of the Bernese Oberland may not afford.

In the race, according to LOOK research another Berner: the Council of States Werner Salzmann (57). He also had the chequered flag. But this nothing means. Gutjahr also had to be cancelled already public and has been pushed back to talk with the search Committee.

However, as with Rösti Blocher would have to whip out also in the case of Salzmann, the wallet. Because the party President is an enormously time-consuming Job. Salzmann would therefore be forced to his place in the Canton of Bern to give up. There must go something for someone announcing for his last years of work a safer place in the state and risks after the elections, 2023, without the Council of States mandate and party office web to stand – and without the safe officials chair.