world champion Lewis Hamilton wants to pave with the establishment of a Commission with more Black on the way to formula 1. He wanted to ensure that the Motorsport in 20 years “will be as diverse as it is complex and multi-cultural world in which we live,” wrote the 35-year-old Briton in a guest post for the “Sunday Times”. Therein, Hamilton reported, once again, of his struggle against the racism he had experienced in his whole racing career. “I hope that Hamilton will allow you to Commission a real, tangible and measurable change,” wrote the Mercedes Pilot.

in conjunction with the Royal Academy of engineering science, the Commission should investigate how to use of motor sport, more and more young Black for science, technology and mathematics thrilled could be. In the process, Hamilton also wants to leading politicians and heads of companies clamping. “The time of the truisms and symbolic Gestures is over,” reiterated the “silver arrow” -Star.

once Again, Hamilton criticized the Situation in the formula 1. “It feels as if only a certain type of person would be in this Sport really welcome someone who has a certain look, a certain life-world, a specific pattern is satisfied and to certain unwritten rules,” wrote the six-time Champion.