There is an element of surprise in the gambling world that keeps the players intrigued to unearth as much as they can during their turn at the slot machines. This element of surprise comes with a twist in the form of various bonus features that online slot developers keep adding to their games. These features keep the gameplay fresh and interesting and can also improve a slot’s RTP significantly if they are good enough.

One of these intriguing features in online slots including Rise of Anubis is the Gamble feature. This feature unlocks as you play and win through an online slot and normally calls for a change of strategy. As the name indicates, playing with this feature comes with a huge risk, but the rewards that accompany totally justify its riskiness. 

The Gamble feature has been around for quite a while in the slotting world, but since the time of its introduction in the online slots, it has become one of the hottest aspects to play in any slot online. So, to edify our readers about this classic feature, we present here an overview of the gamble feature, the ways in which you can expect it in online slots, and some tips to play safe with it.

Overview of the Gamble Feature

Certain online slots have a separate option for activating this feature; you get the green light to do so after every winning spin. It is a win-or-lose situation in black and white; you can walk away with up to 20x your original winnings or are left with nothing. Following are the possible ways you can play this feature in a given online slot:

·         From a given set of cards revealed already, you need to pick the colour, suit or value of the unrevealed one.

·         You have to guess the side of a flipped coin before it becomes stationary.

·         You are asked to guess whether the dice will stop at an even or an odd number.

·         You are given a wheel of fortune with areas marked red and green. Arrow stopping in the green zone makes you win; you lose all your wins if it stops in the red zone. You can also increase or decrease the size of each of these zones, and the corresponding rewards also change.

Tips for Using the Gamble Feature Effectively

·         Try to put some of your winnings aside before playing the Gamble feature, if the online slot allows you.

·         Keep your bets on the lower end of the scale to minimise your possibility of loss.

·         Look for online slots with low volatility slots where you are more likely to win with this feature.

Finally, if it is a question of playing this feature or not, we say that it is definitely worth a shot. It is there for the players to experience what sudden, massive wins feel like. You only need to step up with caution and a bit of strategy so that you can win something significant out of this thrilling feature.