Tripadvisor, the travel Website, called sober, is the third most important attraction of the South of Spain, Medellín: the Statue of the most famous son of the place, Hernán Cortés (1485-1547), Conquistador of the Aztec Empire. Given the current hero of twilight, you must hurry, perhaps, you want to visit, in fact, not just modest-looking and ten years ago by protesters with a red color übergossene representation of the conqueror, whose foot is on the head of a fallen Aztec idol resting, still. In the next year, the 500 stands for. Anniversary of of Cortés initiated the storm on the mythical city of Tenochtitlan, which was weakened at this time by diseases which were introduced by the Spaniards, and strong: a massacre with thousands dead, the don’t have the few hundred Europeans, of course, alone. They had the active help of tens of thousands of Indigenous who suffered from the aggressive Superiority of the Aztecs. From the blood-soaked soil of the city of Mexico City grew, the colonial centre of power in new Spain.

The historian Stefan Rinke has recently worked out how complex this “conquest” of the Aztecs, the world was in truth. She had a lot to do with a structural instability of the tottering Empire under Moctezuma II. That the Aztecs mistook the Spaniards for gods and naive courted, belongs to, however, probably in the area of the victory lay. But it is also clear that Spanish troops brought in several highly developed cultures of the sinking. Only a decade after Cortés, the devious Francisco Pizarro made the Inca Empire and the end. And also the ancient Mayan civilization – or what after the decline in the 10. Century was restricted on the left of it – survived the invasion of the soldiers from Europe only. More important than monuments to lynching, it seems, however, to remember to a historical, a scientific basis to the political and cultural achievements of this largely extinguished civilizations.