the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) wants to lead a Corona-Bonus for nursing staff in hospitals to induce, not only as sealed in the elderly. To facilitate this, Spahn asked the German hospital Association and the leading Association of the statutory health insurance funds to a corresponding concept, as a Ministry spokesman on Friday said in Berlin. Care-staff costs in hospitals, the social partners regulate in-house, would be financed by the funds against. This results in the possibility to agree on bonuses follows.

a cross-Party criticism had become of it, according to that a Bonus is to come because of special charges in the Corona of a crisis only for the care of the elderly. The Verdi trade Union, welcomed Spahns advance. “Hospital employees are affected by the Corona pandemic, particularly,” said Board member Sylvia Bühler. They had great pulled along on a rush of Corona-patient set, the God could be prevented. The two representative associations should soon present a proposal for a bonus payment.

The Bundestag had decided on the Corona-Bonus for the care of the elderly up to 1000 euros in mid-may. Countries or employers can increase up to 1500 euros, the tax would remain free. The cost for the Federal government are estimated at around one billion Euro is supposed to wear this for the time being, long-term care insurance, the Federal government has, however, announced a grant. The government referred to the last several times to the fact that the General level of wages in the care of the elderly was significantly lower than that of nurses in hospitals.