The number of unemployed in Germany, despite the ongoing Corona gone-crisis in the March back down to the 77,000 to 2,827 million, as the Federal employment Agency (BA) announced on Wednesday in Nuremberg, Germany. Also on a seasonally adjusted basis, i.e. after taking into account the usual seasonal fluctuations, took it to 8000. The unemployment rate fell by 0.1 percentage points to 6.2 percent.

Britta Beeger

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

“In March, there were in the labour market, a noticeable spring revival – and, although the infections are increasing and the limitations of some economic areas, as before,” said the Chairman of the Board of the BA, Detlef Scheele. Overall, the labour market show but a very clear traces of the now since a year-long crisis.

More lots of short-time workers

the number of the unemployed with a Plus of around 492.000 still significantly higher than in March a year ago. In addition, many Workers are in short-time work. The data on this are available with a few months delay. According to preliminary extrapolated to the information of the BA was paid accordingly, in January of economic short-time work allowance for 2.85 million Employees. 1. until 25. March displayed the company also short-time work for 197.000 employees.

The number of workers to the Federal Statistical office estimated that in February, more recent data are not yet available – compared with the previous month on a seasonally adjusted basis declined slightly: of 13,000, to 44,35 million. The goods at the same time is 754,000 employed less than a year ago. Current early indicators of the Munich-based Ifo Institute and the Institute for employment research (IAB), they are expected to rise in the coming months, but again: in the industry, the companies want to hire more. In Parallel, the IAB is likely to decline-according to the survey, unemployment in the months ahead.

This forecast, however, is fraught with uncertainty, as the deadline was already in mid-March, as BA-chief Scheele said. He spoke out in the face of rising infection numbers for the return to a stricter Lockdown and output restrictions, as the Federal government and the countries had decided at the beginning of March. “It suggests at the moment that it lasts indefinitely, until we come out of this gradual Lockdown ends out,” said Scheele. “This helps no one. It would probably be better, short and hard to start then.“

it is Important all the time, that the restrictions on attacks on the Manufacturing sector, “because that would endanger the anchor of Stability in the labour market”. He wanted “a slightly larger influence,” the virologist on political decisions. You don’t have these, have led to the third wave “fails to beech like you makes a difference.”